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Forest Edge Learning Federation

Hyde C of E Primary School

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Hyde C of E Primary School

Family in the forest

Uniform Information

The school positively encourages the wearing of its uniform, and for many years has been grateful to receive total support from parents, the PTA and Governors in implementing this policy. The aim is to keep the uniform simple in order to minimise cost. The uniform gives the children and the school a strong sense of identity, which we believe is important.


This policy has been reviewed in accordance with the ‘Cost of school uniforms’ statutory guidance published in November 2021. We want our uniform to be affordable for all parents. 

The following factors were considered when reviewing the policy:

  • Overall cost implications of the school uniform for parents
  • Frequency of changes to uniform specification to minimise any financial impact on parents
  • Necessity and supplier of branded items
  • Sustainability & ethical supply chains
  • Provision of second-hand uniforms


An adaptation to the uniform listed below will, of course, be allowed for any pupil who is unable to comply for cultural or religious reasons. In these circumstances parents are asked to consult with the Executive Headteacher in order to establish a sensible compromise.


Our uniform is:
● Red sweatshirt   (required) 
● Red, navy or white polo shirts    (required) 
● Grey trousers/shorts or grey pinafore or skirt    (required) 


We understand that these can be a very expensive item when children are growing so quickly.  Please ensure shoes are sensible and safe with low broad-based heels.  We appreciate the shoes being black or dark blue. It is not appropriate for children to wear trainers throughout the day.


If hair is long enough to be tied back, it must be, every day. Children wearing their hair loose will be instructed to tie it back in a ponytail with a regular elastic band. Hair accessories should be subtle and minimalistic and in keeping with school colours.


Jewellery is not allowed, for safety reasons. One pair of small studs is permitted for pierced ears only if absolutely necessary. Any parents who feel they cannot comply with the request must complete a disclaimer form from the office and supply tape for the pupil to cover during gym/PE.
Children must take responsibility for their watches if worn, and for all personal property in school.

Girl’s swimming costumes should be one-piece and swimming hats must be worn by children with long hair.

PE and Games Kit:
● Clearly named drawstring bag 
● Navy blue shorts.    (required) 
● Red T-shirt    (required) 
● Trainers for outdoor games lessons
● White/black plimsolls for indoor PE lessons. (Gusset type preferred for
younger children.)


Outdoor Play:

Wellington boots or trainers  (required - we play on the common and it gets muddy!)

Plain fleece – red navy or black   (required) 

Warm school coat

Hat in summer

Waterproof trousers strongly recommended for winter


Marking Property:
Please mark all garments and footwear boldly with your child’s name.  This is a great time saver when things go missing, and name labels are checked termly. Lost property is kept at school for a short period of time. Unclaimed items may be retained to be sold by the second-hand stall or at jumble sales.

Purchase of Second Hand Uniform:
If your child grows out of any items of school uniform, and it is still in good condition, we will willingly try to sell it on for you.  From time to time parents organise a second-hand clothing stall.


We do not expect that parents will provide branded uniform - affordable correct coloured uniform from supermarkets is also acceptable. Branded uniform is available from our suppliers, Brigade Clothing
