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Forest Edge Learning Federation

Hyde C of E Primary School

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Hyde C of E Primary School

Family in the forest


Welcome to Pine Class!


We have two teachers in Pine Class. Mrs Pavitt is the teacher on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Bailey is the teacher on a Thursday/Friday. 


In Pine Class we love to keep busy and always try our best to be kind, respectful and helpful to others. We follow the Roots Curriculum and this half term our focus will be on self regulation.  At the end of each day, we will celebrate 3 children who have demonstrated this value and at the end of the half term a child will be chosen who exemplifies the value we have been learning about.

STEM Term- Summer 2024


Can We Believe Everything We See?


This term we are learning to be movie-makers, by applying lots of exciting Computing knowledge of software and apps such as stop motion, green screening and movie editing. 

We will also use our Design Technology skills to make linkages and levers, as well as a working switch to enhance a Crumble code.


Here are some highlights to look forward to this term- please scroll down for more detail on each curriculum area:


  • The start of our Summer swimming term- always a highlight of the week!
  • Collaborating to produce short films, ready for a mini movie festival of screenings at our local independent cinema;
  • Exploring the achievements of our key figures: Annie Atkins, Thomas Edison and Dwayne Johnson (Faith In Action);
  • Playing the Violin with our Hampshire Music Service teacher, Mrs Dixon;
  • An after school 'Dark Den' event, showcasing our Crumble-coded lightboxes with moving parts;
  • Sports Day and all the fun of the Summer Term!

Weekly Expectations



Please hear your child read weekly-as many times as you can. To help your child gain an enjoyment and love of reading, listen and talk about the book they are reading. All children will enjoy sharing the reading of a book, perhaps reading alternative pages, talking to them about the story, predicting what might happen next, explaining tricky words or helping them to understand what is being implied by the text.



Each week your child's spellings will be on Ed Shed on a Friday. Each child has their own log in which has been sent home. The weekly spelling test will take place on the following Friday.

We work with the children at school on the spellings but they should try to practise them at home as well. Ed shed has a wide variety of ways to practise online. 

Additionally they can practise the words using the methods we have taught them in class; rainbow letters, blocking, pyramid formation or drawing images that remind them of the letters or the word. 



All children should complete 1000 points on this weekly. Plus, we will often set a specific task that will support the learning we are doing in class.


Times Tables:

In June 2024, all Year 4 children will take part in the government Year 4 Multiplication Check. The aim of this check is to ensure that the children have a secure knowledge of the key multiplication facts. With this in mind, regular short bursts of practice are essential. We will offer time in class but we ask that parents encourage children to use TT Rockstars at home too.

P.E. in Pine Class


PE for takes place on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit into school on these days.


All children should bring a water bottle to school every day.


Useful Websites:
